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ConsumerAdmin_Impl Class Reference
[LWLogging Service]

#include <ConsumerAdmin_Impl.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

BoilerPlate extension to the specification.

2004/10/24 01:35:54

The servant implementation of BP_LogConsumerAdmin::ConsumerAdmin. The LogConsumerAdmin is an extension to the CosLwLog specification particular to BoilerPlate. The specification defines the LogConsumer but says nothing about how to obtain a LogConsumer leaving one to assume that there is only one instance of the Consumer in a system and that it most likely is obtained from the NameService. BoilerPlate takes another tact and uses a factory pattern to deliver LogConsumers.

BoilerPlate uses a ServantActivator to manage LogConsumer instances. A bound is put on the size of the queue. The bound is configurable using

The ConsumerAdmin_Impl manufactures references to CosLwLog::LogConsumers.

Public Member Functions

 ConsumerAdmin_Impl (PortableServer::POA_ptr consumerpoa)
 Create the servant with a LogState.

virtual ~ConsumerAdmin_Impl ()

virtual CosLwLog::LogConsumerbuild_consumer () throw (CORBA::SystemException)
 Obtain a reference to a LogConsumer.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ConsumerAdmin_Impl::ConsumerAdmin_Impl PortableServer::POA_ptr  consumerpoa  ) 

Create the servant with a LogState.

virtual ConsumerAdmin_Impl::~ConsumerAdmin_Impl  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual CosLwLog::LogConsumer* ConsumerAdmin_Impl::build_consumer  )  throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

Obtain a reference to a LogConsumer.


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