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CosLwLog::LogConsumer Interface Reference

import "CosLW_Log.idl";

Inheritance diagram for CosLwLog::LogConsumer:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for CosLwLog::LogConsumer:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

Provides access to Log records via various queries

Public Member Functions

RecordId get_record_id_from_time (in LogTime fromTime) raises (InvalidParam)
LogRecordSequence retrieve_records (inout RecordId currentId, inout unsigned long howMany) raises (InvalidParam)
LogRecordSequence retrieve_records_by_level (inout RecordId currentId, inout unsigned long howMany, in LogLevelSequence valueList) raises (InvalidParam)
LogRecordSequence retrieve_records_by_producer_id (inout RecordId currentId, inout unsigned long howMany, in StringSeq valueList) raises (InvalidParam)
LogRecordSequence retrieve_records_by_producer_name (inout RecordId currentId, inout unsigned long howMany, in StringSeq valueList) raises (InvalidParam)
unsigned long long get_max_size ()
unsigned long long get_current_size ()
unsigned long long get_n_records ()
LogFullAction get_log_full_action ()
AvailabilityStatus get_availability_status ()
AdministrativeState get_administrative_state ()
OperationalState get_operational_state ()

Member Function Documentation

AdministrativeState CosLwLog::LogStatus::get_administrative_state  )  [inherited]

Access the ability of this Log to accept new log records A Log can be LOCKED or UNLOCKED. If LOCKED no new records are accepted. Existing records can be read.

The administratvie state of the Log

AvailabilityStatus CosLwLog::LogStatus::get_availability_status  )  [inherited]

Access the Availability status for this Log The ability of the Log to accept and store messages can become impaired. This operation is used to check the status of a Log. AvailabiltyStatus contains two values:

  • off_duty when true denotes the log is disabled
  • log_full when true denotes that all free space is depleted
Current availability status

unsigned long long CosLwLog::LogStatus::get_current_size  )  [inherited]

The current size of the log storage area Obtain the current size in bytes of the log storage area.

size <= get_max_size()
The current size in bytes of the log storage area

LogFullAction CosLwLog::LogStatus::get_log_full_action  )  [inherited]

Access the Log Full Action configuration state LogFullAction denotes the action that the Log will take when the storage area is full. Possible values are HALT, if no futher logging records are accepted, and WRAP, if the log overwrites the oldest records in the storage area.

The selected alternative of LogFullAction

unsigned long long CosLwLog::LogStatus::get_max_size  )  [inherited]

Returns the size of the log storage area Obtain the maximum capacity in bytes of the storage area.

long long

unsigned long long CosLwLog::LogStatus::get_n_records  )  [inherited]

The current number of records in the storage area Obtain the number of records currently in the log storage area.

The number of records currently stored in the Log

OperationalState CosLwLog::LogStatus::get_operational_state  )  [inherited]

Access the operational status of the Log In a DISABLED state the Log has encountered a runtime problem and is not available to clients. In an ENABLED state the Log is available to all clients.

The operational state of the Log

RecordId CosLwLog::LogConsumer::get_record_id_from_time in LogTime  fromTime  )  raises (InvalidParam)

Identify a record based on its time stamp Finds the first record with a time stamp that is greater than or equal to the time specified in from_time parameter.

If the time specified is in the future, the future RecordId is returned
RecordId of the first record matching the time stammp
InvalidParam if the LogTime is invalid

LogRecordSequence CosLwLog::LogConsumer::retrieve_records inout RecordId  currentId,
inout unsigned long  howMany
raises (InvalidParam)

Find the sequence of records starting from currentId Find the sequence of records that begins wit the record specified by currentId.

currentId The Id of the starting record
howMany The maximum number of records to return. Will be updated to the number of records actually retrieved
after.howMany <= before.howMany

after.currentId == next Id

If no futher records are available, currentId = 0

If currentId corresponds to the next record to be recorded in the future:

  • list.size() == 0
  • after.howMany = 0
  • before.currentId == after.currentId

If currentId does not exist and does not correspond to the next record in the future, or if the Log is empty:

  • list.size() == 0
  • after.currentId = 0
  • after.howMany = 0
LogRecordSequence, updated howMany, updated currentId
InvalidParam if in parameters are invalid

LogRecordSequence CosLwLog::LogConsumer::retrieve_records_by_level inout RecordId  currentId,
inout unsigned long  howMany,
in LogLevelSequence  valueList
raises (InvalidParam)

Obtain a list of LogRecords that correspond to the supplied levels Find all records available that correspond the the supplied LogLevels

currentId The Id of the starting record
valueList The sequence of log levels to be sought
howMany The maximum number of records to be retrieved. Will be updated to the number of records actually retrieved
after.howMany <= before.howMany

after.currentId == next Id

If no futher records are available, currentId = 0

If currentId corresponds to the next record to be recorded in the future:

  • list.size() == 0
  • after.howMany = 0
  • before.currentId == after.currentId

If currentId does not exist and does not correspond to the next record in the future, or if the Log is empty:

  • list.size() == 0
  • after.currentId = 0
  • after.howMany = 0
The sequence of retrieved records
InvalidParam if a supplied parameter is invalid

LogRecordSequence CosLwLog::LogConsumer::retrieve_records_by_producer_id inout RecordId  currentId,
inout unsigned long  howMany,
in StringSeq  valueList
raises (InvalidParam)

Obtain a list of log records that correspond to producers

currentId The ID of the starting record
howMany The number of records to retrieve; will be updated to reflect the number of records actually retrieved
valueList A sequence of Producer Ids that will be sought
before.howMany >= after.howMany

after.currentId == next available Id

If no futher records are available, currentId = 0

If currentId corresponds to the next record to be recorded in the future:

  • list.size() == 0
  • after.howMany = 0
  • before.currentId == after.currentId

If currentId does not exist and does not correspond to the next record in the future, or if the Log is empty:

  • list.size() == 0
  • after.currentId = 0
  • after.howMany = 0
The sequence of retrieved records
InvalidParam if a supplied parameter is invalid

LogRecordSequence CosLwLog::LogConsumer::retrieve_records_by_producer_name inout RecordId  currentId,
inout unsigned long  howMany,
in StringSeq  valueList
raises (InvalidParam)

Obtain a list of log records that correspond to producer names

currentId The ID of the starting record
howMany The number of records to retrieve; will be updated to reflect the number of records actually retrieved
valueList A sequence of Producer Ids that will be sought
before.howMany >= after.howMany

after.currentId == next available Id

If no futher records are available, currentId = 0

If currentId corresponds to the next record to be recorded in the future:

  • list.size() == 0
  • after.howMany = 0
  • before.currentId == after.currentId

If currentId does not exist and does not correspond to the next record in the future, or if the Log is empty:

  • list.size() == 0
  • after.currentId = 0
  • after.howMany = 0
The sequence of retrieved records
InvalidParam if a supplied parameter is invalid

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