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LWLogging Service

Detailed Description

Documentation for the Lightweight Logging Service


class  Consumer_Impl
 Implementation of the CosLwLog::LogConsumer. More...

class  ConsumerAdmin_Impl
 BoilerPlate extension to the specification. More...

class  DefaultLogRecordFilter
 A No-op filter. More...

class  IdxRecordId
 The master index controller. More...

class  LevelMap
 Contains mappings of LogLevels to strings and the inverse. More...

class  Log_ServantFactory
 Instantiates the Producer and the ConsumerAdmin. More...

class  LogAdministrator_Impl
 The servant implementation of CosLwLog::LogAdministrator. More...

class  LogBrowser
 Maintains state for a LogConsumer. More...

class  LogConsumerActivator_Impl
 ServantActivator for LogConsumers. More...

class  LogConsumerServantFactory
 Builds the LogConsumer ServantActivator. More...

class  LogLevelLogRecordFilter
 A LogRecordFilter implementation that tests for LogLevels. More...

class  LogRecordFilter
 A contract definition for a Log Record filter. More...

class  LogState
 Maintains the state of the log. More...

class  LogProducer_Impl
 The servant implementation of CosLwLog::LogProducer. More...

class  ProducerIdLogRecordFilter
 A LogRecordFilter implementation that tests for ProducerIds. More...

class  ProducerNameLogRecordFilter
 A LogRecordFilter implementation that tests for ProducerNames. More...