BP_CosLw_Log.h [code] | Determines which IDL generated headers to use based on CORBA vendor |
BPConsumerAdmin.idl [code] | LwLogging Service Extension |
BPLog.h [code] | The non-CORBA interface contract of the LogProducer interface |
BPLoggingStub.h [code] | A facade for logging when unit testing and developing |
Consumer_Impl.h [code] | The implementation of the Log Consumer |
ConsumerAdmin_Impl.h [code] | The implementation of the ConsumerAdmin |
CosLW_Log.idl [code] | Defined by the 1.04-1 specification OMG formal/03-11/03 |
DefaultLogRecordFilter.h [code] | A basic always true definition of a LogFilter |
IdxRecordId.h [code] | The master index controller |
LevelMap.h [code] | Defines mappings from LogLevels to Strings and the inverse |
Log_ServantFactory.h [code] | The ServantFactory implementation for the LogProducer |
LogAdministrator_Impl.h [code] | The implementation of the LogProducer |
LogBrowser.h [code] | The implementation of the LogProducer |
LogConsumerActivator_Impl.h [code] | The implementation of ServantActivator for LogConsumers |
LogConsumerServantFactory.h [code] | Defines operations for instancing the LogConsumer_Activator |
LogLevelLogRecordFilter.h [code] | A LogFilter that tests a LogRecord having a particular LogLevel |
LogRecordFilter.h [code] | Contract definition for a filter for LogRecords |
LogState.h [code] | State definitions for the Log |
LWLoggingPostORBInitCommand.h [code] | Definitions for a CORBA Logging Service client |
mainmenu.h [code] | |
MenuCommand.h [code] | |
Producer_Impl.h [code] | The implementation of the LogProducer |
ProducerIdLogRecordFilter.h [code] | A LogFilter that tests a LogRecord having a particular ProducerId |
ProducerNameLogRecordFilter.h [code] | A LogFilter that tests a LogRecord having a particular ProducerName |
QuitMenu.h [code] | The Menu that quits the Client Console application |