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BoilerPlate File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
BasicOrbRunStrategy.h [code]The simplest possible ORB run strategy
BP_CORBA.h [code]Imports the basic required CORBA header files based on vendor
BPExceptions.h [code]A central header for exception definitions
CorbaServer.h [code]Declares operations for ORB and POA initializtion
CtrlCSignalStrategy.h [code]Implemented to apply a strategy against a system signal
EvictionMngr.h [code]Contract for Eviction strategies
InitCommand.h [code]Declares Command Pattern (GoF) types
OrbRunStrategy.h [code]Sometimes there is a need to decorate the ORB::run call
PIDWriter.h [code]Controller for writing a file with the pid in it
ServantFactory.h [code]Defines basic Factory operations
ServantFactory_Activator.h [code]Defines operations distinct to initializing a ServantActivator
ServantFactory_Locator.h [code]Defines operations distinct to initializing a ServantLocator
ServantFactory_Simple.h [code]Defines operations distinct to initializing a simple POA
SignalController.h [code]The controller for signal handling
SignalStrategy.h [code]Implemented to apply a strategy against a system signal
SysHook.h [code]System Hooks for management routines
ThreadedOrbRunStrategy.h [code]A multi-thread OrbRunStrategy
utility.h [code]Lifted from examples found in Henning and Vinoski