BoilerPlate: Reusable CORBA |
BasicOrbRunStrategy | Simply calls ORB run |
CtrlCSignalStrategy | Implements a SignalStrategy for Control-C |
Evictable | Provides an interface for EnvictionMngr to talk to Evictables |
EvictionMngr | Manager of Evictables Responsible for tracking Evictables and telling them when they are being evicted |
BoilerPlate::IllegalStateException | Thrown if initialization occurs in the wrong order |
OrbInit | Encapsulates ORB initialization and start-up control |
OrbInit::InitializationError | Thrown if an error occurs during ORB initializtion |
OrbRunStrategy | Customize the way that your application calls ORB::run |
PIDWriter | Only responsibility is to write the PID file |
PostInitCommand | Commands to be executed after the ORB and ROOT POA are initialized |
PostORBInitCommand | Command to be executed after the ORB is initialized |
PreInitCommand | Command to be executed before the ORB is initialized |
ServantFactory | Base class of for all Servant Factory types |
ServantFactory::ServantBuildException | A common Exception for Servant Factories |
ServantFactory_Activator | Foundation for a POA with a ServantActivator |
ServantFactory_Locator | Foundation for a POA with a ServantLocator |
ServantFactory_Simple | This servant factory is used to instance the simple POA model |
SignalController | The central registrar and signal catcher |
SignalStrategy | Register with the SignalController to handle asynch signals |
SysHook | An accessor for system resources like the Root POA and ORB |
ThreadedOrbRunStrategy | Calls ORB::run with a configurable number of threads |
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Generated on Tue Nov 30 16:22:33 2004 for BoilerPlate by
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