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BoilerPlate Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BasicOrbRunStrategySimply calls ORB run
CtrlCSignalStrategyImplements a SignalStrategy for Control-C
EvictableProvides an interface for EnvictionMngr to talk to Evictables
EvictionMngrManager of Evictables Responsible for tracking Evictables and telling them when they are being evicted
BoilerPlate::IllegalStateExceptionThrown if initialization occurs in the wrong order
OrbInitEncapsulates ORB initialization and start-up control
OrbInit::InitializationErrorThrown if an error occurs during ORB initializtion
OrbRunStrategyCustomize the way that your application calls ORB::run
PIDWriterOnly responsibility is to write the PID file
PostInitCommandCommands to be executed after the ORB and ROOT POA are initialized
PostORBInitCommandCommand to be executed after the ORB is initialized
PreInitCommandCommand to be executed before the ORB is initialized
ServantFactoryBase class of for all Servant Factory types
ServantFactory::ServantBuildExceptionA common Exception for Servant Factories
ServantFactory_ActivatorFoundation for a POA with a ServantActivator
ServantFactory_LocatorFoundation for a POA with a ServantLocator
ServantFactory_SimpleThis servant factory is used to instance the simple POA model
SignalControllerThe central registrar and signal catcher
SignalStrategyRegister with the SignalController to handle asynch signals
SysHookAn accessor for system resources like the Root POA and ORB
ThreadedOrbRunStrategyCalls ORB::run with a configurable number of threads